‘ABCD’ actor and ‘Dance India Dance’ contestant Kishore Shetty was arrested by the Mangaluru police reportedly for possession of drugs. The police have also arrested Aqeel Nausheel for possessing MDMA (methylene dioxymethamphetamine). It is also reported that they had brought the drugs from Mumbai and they were trying to sell it in Mangaluru.
According to a report by India Today, Mangaluru city police commissioner Vikash Kumar said, “The CCB police arrested the accused [Kishore Shetty and Aqeel Nausheel] this morning. They had brought the drugs from Mumbai and were trying to sell it in Mangaluru.”
He further added, “After securing them, we got to know that one of them had acted in a Bollywood movie and is a choreographer dancer. His name is Kishore Aman Shetty, and the other person is Aqueel Nousheel. Both of them were caught while on a motorcycle.”
The report further stated that the police have seized MDMA, a Bajaj Discover bike, and two mobile phones from them. Aqueel apparently has been working abroad as a safety officer earlier and then he returned to India a year ago and began selling drugs in Mangaluru that was brought from Bengaluru and Mumbai.
Kishore also tagged along to sell drugs for money and now they are arrested for drug peddling and the consumption of drugs. The police are said to be investigating the case and will track the trail all the way to Mumbai.
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