Actor Ranbir Kapoor has been linked with almost all his co stars,but this boys heart goes Dhak Dhak for the one and only, dancing Diva Madhuri Dixit. He calls all others as his friends,”They (my co-stars) are my friends. I work with them in films and perhaps that’s the reason why people keep talking about us. My heart only beats for one woman and her name is Madhuri Dixit. Through this film, my childhood dream of dancing with her is fulfilled. I feel very lucky to work with her,” he said during the promotion of the film.
Ranbir Kapoor shared screen space with Madhuri for an item song Ghagra for YJHD. He revealed how he cajoled his director to let him kiss Madhuri at the end of the song,”I do not know if I would get such a chance in life again or not. The kissing scene took four retakes and must say that I have not done these retakes intentionally.”
So All you girls, now we hope you realize that Ranbir Kapoor’s heart beats only for Madhuri Dixit.