Aurangzeb the movie has famous Bollywood personalities in it, Rishi Kapoor, Jackie Shroff, Arjun Kapoor and Prithviraj. The cast of the movie hosted a media interaction in a unique manner,at an under construction site in Mumbai to promote their forthcoming multi starer.
As per sources,the film has a lot of intense confrontation scenes with dialogue baazi of 70s and a very lavish look,actor Rishi Kapoor said, “I have a problem with actors using the term ‘slice of life’ and ‘fun film’ to describe anything and everything they do these days. Aurangzeb is not just another fun film.It is a crisp, crime drama in the truest sense of the word. We haven’t seen such a film in a while. There are no unwanted songs introduced just to please the public”.
He further added,”Aditya Chopra the scion of YRF feels the Indian viewers are ready for such a film. We don’t need to extend a plot to three hours by adding unnecessary romance and comedy. In fact he often says that even if Deewar and Trishul were made today, they may not have had the song and dance sequences”.