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The iconic jodi of Salim Javed was made up of two exceptional writers Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar. They worked together on 24 films of which twenty, were commercially and critically successful. The duo not only gave major blockbusters together but also gifted the world of cinema an exceptional actor in Amitabh Bachchan. But their unexpected split left fans and filmmakers shocked.

The veteran screenwriter appeared as the first guest on The Invincibles hosted by producer-actor Arbaaz Khan. Speaking exclusively on Bollywood Bubble, Salim Khan opened up about his split with Javed Akhtar and the financial lows he faced in life.

Salim Khan on split with Javed Akhtar

Salim Khan opened up on his split with Javed Akhtar and the financial difficulties he faced. But he added the difficulties did not break him and he faced them head on.

He said, “I did a lot of ghost writing, I did feel hurt post the split of our popular jodi as I too am a human being and these things are quite hard to take. But I took this quite well and when Naam released all those who left came back.”

On arrogance of clarity

He further added, “I will tell you one thing. This is Blue and that is white, If you are clear that this is white and that is blue then you will not encourage any discussion on that In the study of psychology it is known as the arrogance of clarity. I had it then and still do. ”

People do not like it. But I changed myself and started discussing that is this white? Ifelt that they needed participation it is not like you have decided this is blue and take it but we will lose money in this. The best part of this is that in the entire journey post the split I never felt bitter about the circumstances. I decided that will work hard and do something big and I did so.”

Watch the entire conversation with Salim Khan here:

Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Javed Akhtar recalls his alcohol addiction days and the reason why he decided to quit