Aamir Khan who has been working round the clock for a long time now has decided to take a much deserved break by travelling over to Europe for at least ten days, before returning to launch his television show ‘Satyamev Jayate’s’ new season. The actor is known to do only one film at a time. However, this time around the actor was extremely occupied with back-to-back schedules of Dhoom 3 and PeeKay.
‘Dhoom 3’ had Aamir in twin role and he had to put in a lot of effort to play two diverse characters in the film, which were equally appreciated by the audiences. ‘Dhoom 3’ went onto break records at the Box Office. Well from shooting for ‘Dhoom 3’, to completing a schedule of ‘P.K.’, to finishing up season 2 of ‘Satyamev Jayate’ and finally celebrating the massive success of ‘Dhoom 3’ recently at a party held at YRF, the actor was engaged all through. Aamir will now be traveling to Europe to relax and spend some ‘me time’ there.
The promos of the much awaited tele series, ‘Satyameva Jayate’, season 2, has started airing on the television from January 26. The Season 2 of the show with Aamir Khan as its host will start on March 2.