Bollywood actor Aamir Khan had set – Twitter abuzz with his tweet that he is in love with two people. Causing his fans to send over a flood of tweets asking him who those two were. Finally the Perfectionist has revealed on Valentine Day who the lucky two are?
According to sources, Aamir Khan, who is currently making preparations for the second season of his hit show ‘Satyamev Jayate’ tweeted the message on February 13. The questions that his followers asked were numerous, with @simranmalik96 asking him if his two loves were Kiran and Azaad.
Here is his tweet:
Aamir Khan ✔ @aamir_khan
I confess… I’m in love with two people…
1:27 PM – 13 Feb 2014
Aamir Khan ✔ @aamir_khan
One is Kiran, and the other is my country. Happy Valentine’s Day!
12:16 PM – 14 Feb 2014.
Well we think Aamir Khan must today be singing “Tu Hai Meri Kiran…”.