Shahrukh Khan is sharing not so warm vibes with Akshay Kumar, since the time the two of them clashed at Box Office with disastrous results. And it seems the two of them are not as yet ready to let bygones be bygones.
As per sources, ‘Chennai Express’ and ‘Once Upon a time In Mumbai Dobara’ was all set to release on same day that is on Eid, but thanks to SRK’s intervention ‘Chennai Express’ dominated all the screens leaving OUATIMD with few screens. This affected the Box Office collection of OUATIMD that’s the reason behind their ‘we-don’t-see-eye-to-eye’ game which has been going on for months.
The two of them were to attend a birthday celebration of a common friend Yogesh Lakhani’s but they avoided their meeting by arriving at different times at the birthday bash.
All we can say to them is “Grow Up Boys”.