Mahesh Bhatt has been introducing a lot of talent in Bollywood since a long time now. He is the modern day Dronacharya who begets Guru Dakshina from his protegees. Be it Anupam Kher, Gulshan Grover , Mohit Suri or our very own Emraan Hashmi. They all have been giving him Guru Dakshina. But this new age Guru does not bevel in taking it only once they have to continue giving him throughout their life.
As per sources, Mahesh Bhatt revealed this fact in a tongue in cheek manner and Said, Emraan Hashmi gives him a mobile phone every time. The filmmaker distributes it among his staff and he faithfully continues to use his old instrument. Anupam Kher gives him a VHS of a Bollywood movie every time he signs a new film.
Gulshan Grover has been giving him books that Mahesh Bhatt chooses and also medicine from America. Mohit Suri presented his mentor with touch Screen laptop.
Well looks like this a new trend being started by Bhatt Saheb.