Bollywood’s flirt Ranveer Singh has been in a number of relationships before Deepika Padukne brought some semblance of stability in him. But a secret that none is aware of is that Ranveer was first in a relationship with Ahana Deol daughter of Hema Malini and Dharmendra. During their college days much before Anushka Shama, Ranveer and Ahana’s (who dated for a brief period) relationship fizzled out.
As per sources, Ranveer may be a flirt but he is also extremely sensitive and a thorough gentleman. The actor believes in letting bygones be bygones. Ranveer did not let the past come in his way of their friendship. So recently, when Ahana got married to Vaibhav Vora, Ranveer made it a point to attend the wedding along with Deepika Padukone showering the newly married couple with their blessings and good wishes.
But it was at this wedding the two love birds -Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh made their feelings known to all by seeming inseparable at the reception.