Farhan Akhtar and Vidya Balan have been promoting their upcoming film ‘Shaadi Ke Side Effects’ these days. There is a curiosity among their fan following regarding this Jodi, but it seem that for the promotion of the movie they are unable to inspire their fans with with the missing enthusiasm often sported by bachelors like Deepika Padukone, Ranbir Kapoor or Ranveer Singh during film promotions.
As per sources , recently the duo were seen at Mehboob studio . The two of them looked quite at ease in their casuals during the promotion of the movie there, but the Glam Quotient was missing. On the other hand Actress Jacqueline Fernandez who too was there shooting for her movie captivated the fans with her glamorous avatar.
The Farhan and Vidya jodi was unable to compete with Jacqueline’s poise and energy quotient.