Producer Director Karan Johar is donning a new hat that of an actor in Anurag Kashyap’s ‘Bombay Velvet’. His character is loosely based on Rustom Khurshedji Karanjia, popularly known as Russi Karanjia, the founder-editor of Blitz,
As per sources Karan Johar plays the role of Kaizad Khambattaa journalist who lives life king size with no fear. It closely resemblesthe controversial newspaper baron who did ruffle a few feathers with his wit and exposes
Kashyap confirmed that Karan’s role is “that of a media tycoon who goes on to resurrect his empire”. However, he was quick to add that his Kaizad is largely a fictional character with shades of grey.
It surely will be interesting to see the Mr proper K Jo in a negative role.