Ranbir Kapoor celebrated ‘Ganesh Chaturthi’ by welcoming Lord Ganesha to his home for five days. Alleged girlfriend Katrina Kaif after paying a visit to Salman Khan’s sister Alvira house to attend her former flames ‘Ganpati Visarjan’ celebration, visited beau Ranbir Kapoor’s house to be a part of Ganpati celebrations there.
As per sources, “Ranbir’s family had brought Lord Ganesha to their home for five days. Since Katrina was traveling when the deity was welcomed at Ranbir’s home, she made it sure that she attended the morning prayers on the day of visarjan”.
Well as it was the last day of the Elephant God at Ranbir’s house, Kats could not give it a miss for she does need Ganpati Bappa’s blessings.