Choreographer, actor, director Prabhu Deva the soft spoken man, who was without a home in Mumbai has found one all thanks to his friend Sonu Sood. The two of them had become good friends after working together in Ramaiya Vastavaiya and R…Rajkumar. Prabhu had returned the flat that he had rented from Actress Sridevi after a fire had destroyed her bungalow so he asked Sonu to look out for a flat for him.
According to sources, Sonu called a close friend of his and requested him to lend his four-bedroom apartment in Andheri’s Four Bungalows area to the bearded director. Says a source, “Sonu checked out the apartment personally and only after he felt it would suit Prabhu did he call him. The director, who is arriving in Mumbai today, will drive straight to his new home.’
Prabhu had entrusted the work to Sonu and he will be seeing the apartment only today when he will be shifting there today. Well what are friends for if they do not help you in times of need and Sonu has proved that he is always ready to help a friend in need.