Fact-checking Policy

At Bollywood Bubble, we make sure that all the stories that we present to you have been factually checked. The team specialises in researching facts and getting to the bottom of things, thereby making sure that there are hardly any factual errors in our stories. We make sure that all stories that go on the website are read by a team of reporters beforehand, who make sure to lend in their voice and make the necessary changes to the factual errors, if any.

Ethics Policy

At Bollywood Bubble we are committed towards journalism that is accurate, fair and complete. Our journalists act with honesy, transparency and independence. We don’t allow defamatory, threatening, malicious, false, offensive, misleading, abusive, harassing, discriminatory or racist content. Trying to social engineer to gain private information is forbidden.

Corrections Policy

We strive to be as accurate as possible, but sometimes we make mistakes or miss important information. In such cases we either unpublish the incorrect content/picture in question or correct it, with a note for the same.

If you find any factual errors or context that needs correction, please send those to the editor for review and correction at editor@bollywoodbubble.com

Ownership & funding information

Bollywood Bubble Hindi is a property of Deepdive Digital Private Limited. It is a self funded organisation.