Renuka Shahane

Actress Renuka Shahane is a lady with a mind of her own. She has never shied away from sharing her opinions over the issues that she feels need attention. And no, this time it’s not an A-list actor that she has targeted or ranted against, but fairness creams!


Yes, the actress thinks that the depiction of fairness cream ads is not doing any good to the society as it affects the perception of Indian mindset. Siting the example of Olympics athletes like P V Sindhu and Sakshi Malik, she states that the colour of your skin is not important to earn success or scale heights.

She has written a huge post on Facebook showcasing her anger against the ideology of fairness cream promoters. Her rant definitely makes sense and it’s something that you shouldn’t miss reading:

ALSO READ: Renuka Shahane ‘explains’ her Facebook post on Salman Khan’s acquittal