John Abraham

We know that John Abraham is extremely passionate about sports and especially football. He takes every step to promote sports culture in India and he is also the owner of a football team called NorthEast United FC which represents states like Assam, Nagaland, Manipur and so on in the Indian Super League. But a recent incident involving female football fans hailing from North East India getting harassed by drunk male fans in a stadium has left the star completely shaken.

A video of some fans harassing and teasing some northeastern girls from a recent football match that happened in Chennai has gone viral on the internet. In the video we see a drunk fan and a group of other men harassing these girl who are seated in the stadium to watch the match.

Source: Twitter


Following this, John has issued a statement wherein he has bashed these men for their behaviour and has also issued a threat that he will find all of them and punish them for whatever they have done. (Also Read: Parmanu: John Abraham shares his true source of joy with this video)

Here’s his statement:

Source: Instagram

More power to you John. Such behaviour is completely unacceptable and we totally stand by you in this.