One of the longest-running sitcoms, Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain has been entertaining the audience with its content. It is one of the most loved shows on Indian television. Nehha Pendse who essayed the popular role of Anita Vibhuti Narayan Mishra has quit the show and the makers have now roped in Vidisha Srivastava to play the role of Anita Bhabi in the show.
Meanwhile, the makers have also shared a promo introducing Vidisha as the new Anita Bhabi on social media and she is seen smashing entry.
Watch Bhabiji Ghar Pe Hai promo:
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Vidisha is known for her performances in films and television shows across Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam.
Talking about her new entry, Vidisha Srivastava said in a statement: “I am very excited and proud to get an opportunity to essay one of India’s most-loved, Anita Bhabi’s character. I have always enjoyed watching the show for its entertaining characters and humorous plots. I had never imagined that I would get to be a part of it as one of its lead characters one day. It is truly a momentous moment. I am thrilled to take on this huge mandate and, most importantly, share the screen with the accomplished and talented actors Aasif Sheikh, Rohitashv Gouri, and Shubhangi Atre. I am grateful to Sanjay and Binaiferr Kohli Ji for believing in my abilities and giving me this wonderful opportunity. I feel truly blessed. Everyone around me, especially my friends and family, have been on top of the moon ever since they got to know this.”Â
Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai also stars Aasif Sheikh, Rohitashv Gouri, and Shubhangi Atre in the lead role.
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