Priyanka Chahar Choudhary took the nation by storm when she debuted as ‘Tejo’ on the popular show Udaariyaan. Priyanka went on to do the reality show Bigg Boss which made her a prominent name in the country. Sargun Mehta who debuted as a producer with the show Udaariyaan is proud of her cast and especially of Priyanka because of the graph that she has managed to achieve. She revealed that Priyanka was cast within 16 seconds.
Sargun Mehta recalls how Priyanka Chahar Choudhary was cast in Udaariyaan
Recently in an interview Sargun expressed her pride in Priyanka and reminisced about her casting process she shared, “We were unable to find a suitable girl to play the part of Tejo. 7-8 months passed and one day a transition reel came and I kept looking at her face and I thought it was such a relatable face. I went to her profile and it was 6:30 am in the morning and I messaged her from my profile to get in touch.“
She further added, “By 7:30 am she replied with her number and I called my team to get her audition quickly. Around 3 pm she gave me her audition. I saw her audition hardly for 16 seconds and I forwarded it to the part where most of the girls missed the point. After seeing 100 auditions I saw her audition and called Bharti who was from the channel and I said that I found my Tejo. I don’t know what people are gonna say but I found my Tejo. The same day by 09:30 pm Priyanka was locked.” She concluded.
Priyanka has proven her mettle in the industry and her hard work has inspired many. She is currently shooting for a big project with Bajali Productions, Titled “Dus June Ki Raat”. She will be seen alongside Tushar Kapoor. The fans can’t wait to see their favourite actress back in action.
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