Actress Ameesha Patel, the 37-year-old ‘Kaho Naa… Pyaar Hai’ star got injured while shooting an action sequence for an upcoming film of hers. Pretty and petite Ameesha Patel, who seems to be getting even prettier with each passing day, was seen with a white bandage around her knee. Well she had hurt her hands and knee while carrying out an action sequence. Ameesha posted on Twitter, ” Thank you my tweethearts for all the concern… Got injured a few days ago… Fell very badly during an action sequence.. Knee is hurt but recovering.”
As per sources, the scene in question was a chase scene where a man had to chase Ameesha and she in turn had to rush down a flight of steps. While the man was chasing her, he accidentally tripped and fell down from the stairs dragging Ameesha down with him. Ameesha was badly hurt and so was the man who was chasing her. A doctor was immediately summoned on the sets. Ameesha’s feet and hands are swollen and she has been advised complete bed rest for a few days. Ameesha was lucky and hence a major mishap was avoided.
Ameesha added that a doctor was immediately called on the sets, “Doctor was called and I was administered medicines and injections immediately. Sorry didn’t tell you all last week when it happened but didn’t want it to worry anyone…”
Get well soon Ameesha.