Bollywood actresses Bipasha Basu, Kangna Ranaut and Mahie Gill were approached for an upcoming TV show about forbidden relationships, but they have refused to host it. ‘Ishq Kills’ is an upcoming episodic series primarily about love stories gone wrong. The show, likely to feature love stories between a doctor and a patient, an employer and a domestic servant etc, will be aired on Star Plus channel from February 16.
As per sources, there were talks with Bipasha Basu to come on board. She was very keen on television but found it too unconventional and preferred a dance reality show. Kangana Ranaut and Mahie Gill too were approached but their shooting schedules did not match. Now, director Vikram Bhatt has been roped in as the host of the series. Star Plus will launch ‘Ishq Kills’. The show brings to the forefront a series of forbidden love stories that go beyond the traditional norms of society. The stories will capture relationships never explored, beyond the norms of the moral code of the society.”
Director Vishal Mahdkar will direct the show while Shagufta Rizvi has penned a few stories for it.