Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan sure has actors open up and reveal their secrets. From Salman Khan to Aamir’s wife Kiran Rao and now its our Dirty Picture girl – Vidya Balan. The latest episode had guests Vidya Balan and Farhan Akhtar. Farah was a good boy talking about his personal and professional life, Vidya – The Dirty Girl was a surprise package with her conversation which revolved around adult humour.
The actress poked fun at husband Siddharth Roy Kapoor and said that he likes it “tall” while she prefers “thick”. Karan asked Vidya, if her life changed post marriage, she said, “Luckily both of us are quite similar in a lot of ways. We are also sticklers for certain thing and luckily the same things. We have lots of book at home. He likes to arrange the book according to their height and I like to arrange them according to their thickness.” Surprised by her answer, Farhan said, “Why don’t you try alphabetically, that could be simple.” Unaffected by Farhan’s suggestion, Vidya added, “But then we found a midway. I compromise.”
Well guess Vidya Balan has got pretty bold off late and we hope that her hubby does not have an issue with the above revelations.