Aamir Khan recently unveiled the trailer of Loveyapa at an event in Mumbai. The film marks the theatrical debut of his son, Junaid Khan, alongside Sridevi’s daughter, Khushi Kapoor. Both actors step into the big screen after their respective OTT debuts in Maharaj and The Archies. During the event, Aamir delved into his personal take on love, offering deep insights into relationships and how one’s perspective evolves over time.
Actor Aamir Khan claims to be a romantic person
The actor candidly admitted, “I am a very romantic man, I swear. It may sound funny, but you can ask both my wives.” He continued, “All my favourite films are romantic. I get lost in romantic movies. I’m a believer in true love. As we grow in life, our understanding of love evolves. You begin to understand life, people, and yourself.”
Reflecting on his personal journey, Aamir shared how time has made him more self-aware about his shortcomings in love. “I’ve realised my mistakes and tried to rectify them.” He elaborated, “Today, the meaning of love for me is finding a soulmate—someone you are comfortable with and who makes you feel you’ve reached your destination in life. Love is about an organic connection.”
Aamir Khan gives advice on love and relationships
The actor also offered advice to the younger generation, urging them to not overlook red flags in relationships. “When you think you will be with a person and they will change, woh change nahi hota, because we ourselves don’t change. People don’t change, and red flags rarely turn into green ones. So, it’s best to consider them early on.”
Aamir concluded with a definition of true love: “True love is really when you learn to love yourself, value yourself, and reach a stage where you’re ready to hold space for another person. Your partner must have sensitivity, despite differences.”
With his thoughtful words, Aamir gave the event a heartfelt touch, leaving attendees with plenty to ponder about love and relationships.