Swara Bhasker and her boyfriend Himanshu Sharma’s breakup news have been making headlines since many days. Earlier as reported by SpotboyE, Swara wanted a marriage, but her boyfriend Himanshu didn’t want to. Now, the actress has spoken with the portal and spoke at length about the entire thing.
When Swara was asked the reason behind the couple’s breakup, she said, “We disagreed on what the future should look like.” When she was asked the reason behind it, the actress said, “Well, one of us wanted to involve marriage in our future and one of us didn’t want to.”
Further talking about it, Swara said, “I think sometimes, you can have a disagreement in terms of what milestones you want in your life and what milestone the other person wants in their lives. See, in a relationship, sometimes you come to a path where one person wants to go to the right and the other to the left and in that case, one of those does not agree to change that path. Then you don’t have a choice but to say goodbye.”
Swara has said that she has overcome it because of the support she got from her family and friends and she hopes Himanshu has the same support system as well.
On the work front, Swara has a few interesting stuff in her kitty.
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Also Read: Swara Bhasker and Himanshu Sharma split-up for THIS reason?Â