Actor Uday Chopra, the youngest scion of the prestigious Bollywood family – The Chopras, he is in an alleged relation with one of the sexiest actors in Bollywood, Nargis Fakhri. The two of them were even caught vacationing together. Nargis Fakhri is at present busy promoting her latest ‘Main Tera Hero’ featuring Varun Dhawan and Ileana D’Cruz. Whereas Uday is basking in the success of his last film Dhoom 3. Do you think that the two tie the knot ?
According to sources, Nargis said, “I don’t think I’d jeopardize my career by getting into a relationship at this stage. Moreover, I don’t find the need. I’m surrounded by a bunch of friends. Boyfriends are troublesome and unnecessary. I feel sorry for the guy who marries me.”
But still some expect them to tie the knot after Uday’s elder brother Aditya marries his long time girlfriend, Rani Mukherjee.