Bollywood actor Raveena Tandon, her daughter Rasha Thadani, and Ajay Devgn’s nephew Aaman Devgan joined Salman Khan on Bigg Boss 18 Weekend Ka Vaar. Rasha Thadani took to Instagram and shared some pictures with Salman Khan.
Rasha Thadani says ‘full circle moment” sharing childhood pictures with Salman Khan
Rasha also shared pictures of her childhood pictures with Salman along with moments from the episode. During the Weekend Ka Vaar, the trio Raveena, Rasha and Aaman along with Salman, participated in a hookstep challenge that added energy to the show. Sharing the pictures, she wrote, “full circle moment.”
Salman and Raveena grooved to their iconic track Pyar Dilon Ka Mela Hai, while Aaman joined Salman for Jeene Ke Hain Chaar Din.
On the work front, Rasha is gearing up for her Bollywood debut in Azaad, with stars alongside Aaman Devgan and Ajay Devgn. The film is directed by Abhishek Kapoor and produced by RSVP and Guy In The Sky Pictures. The much-anticipated film will be released on January 17, 2025.