While Sanjay Dutt is spending his days in Pune’s Yerawada jail,his wife is stepping out to see that her husband’s unfinished work is being taken care of. Maanyata Dutt is all set to promote Dutt’s Policegiri to ensure that it gets the right mileage.she will be joining the ad campaigns from next week.
As per sources,”Before surrendering, Sanjay had told his family members that he had given his blood and sweat to the film and he believed that the film had tremendous potential as it was his one of his solo releases in a long time. He had asked Manyata to do all she can to ensure the film gets its due.”
The source further added: “Even with the state of mind she is in, Maanyata has said she step out and be wherever she is needed to promote the film. She is well aware of the importance of Sanjay’s commitments. “the story was confirmed by the producer Rahul Aggarwal,”Bhabhi is very dear to all of us and we will maintain the integrity of this situation.”
This Lady is truly a strong person.