Parineeti Chopra has carved a place in Bollywood as an A-lister. With her latest movie ‘Shuddh Desi Romance’ set to release; this young lady who started her career as a marketing executive in Yash Raj Films, has not let stardom go to her head. Parineeti has been in news for her relations and at present she is being linked with Maneesh Sharma of Shuddh Desi Romance.
As per sources, Parineeti cleared the air regarding her realtion with Maneesh, “I became very good friends with Maneesh during ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’. I absolutely love him and today he is my closest friend. He is my go-to person just like Aditya Chopra”.
Seems like Parineeti like her cousin PeeCee has learnt to handle conntroversies.