Superstar Shahrukh Khan has just celebrated his birthday and is known as the ruling Badshah of Bollywood. On being asked who will wear the crown of a superstar after him he replied that he feels that his son AbRam is the next Shahrukh Khan of Bollywood. He said, “I see the next SRK in AbRam, but it will take time.”
As per sources, Shahrukh Khan has decided to dedicate this year for his family, “This year, I want to spend time with my children. I look forward to spending quality time with my children. They are growing older and getting busy in their own lives, so I am trying to get into it. So, I have dedicated this year for small little happiness. ”
“On the professional front, I have not achieved everything. There is a long way to go. I try to get better with my each film and I will continue to do that till my last breath.”