Newbie actor Sidharth Malhotra who made his Bollywood debut in Karan Johar’s ‘Student Of The Year’ with Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt, is busy promoting his next ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’ with bubbly actress Parineeti Chopra. Sidharth revealed that even though alcohol is a stress buster for many in Bollywood, he likes to stay away from it as he prefers conversing to drinking at Bollywood parties.
As per sources, when asked about how he deals with it at Bollywood parties, he replied, “By making polite conversation. Drinking is a stress reliever for a lot of people (but) I just don’t like alcohol.” He will be seen playing a nice boy looking for love in ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’ which is set to release on February 7. ‘
Sidharth will also be seen in filmmaker Mohit Suri’s upcoming film ‘The Villian’ where he is playing a “very conflicted character”.