Actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra recently celebrated Lohri and Makar Sankranti with her family, marking a joyful return to India after ringing in the New Year in London. The 49-year-old actress spoke about how the break was a welcome respite before a busy year ahead, which includes her highly anticipated Kannada debut in KD – The Devil.
Shilpa Shetty reveals her Hollywood plans
Despite her successful career in India, Shilpa has not ventured into Hollywood. Shilpa spoke briefly about her Hollywood dreams with the Hindustan Times. The actress stated, “I don’t think I am so ambitious. I am [simply] complacent, and I am enjoying this phase of my life. I have worked so hard and I am very content. So, I don’t think I can go and audition there (Hollywood).”
Shilpa Shetty also places a strong emphasis on her family, prioritising them over work. “It’s always family over work. I cannot leave my children for so many days. I am very clear about my priorities,” she adds. “There’s a lot happening for me here,” she concludes, highlighting the importance of being present for her loved ones while continuing her successful career in India.
As Shilpa continues to enjoy her career milestones, her focus on family and contentment remains central to her life and work choices.