Actor Ranveer Singh who could not stop gushing about his Ram Leela co-star and alleged girl friend seems to have enough of it now. There have been too much talking about Ranveer-Deepika affair off late, and seems like Ranveer has now decided to put an end to all. Recently, during an interview,Ranveer Singh clearly expressed his disinterest to talk about his Ram Leela co-star Deepika Padukone. As usual Ranveer was questioned about his relationship with Deepika, to which Singh replied that things are getting a bit too much.
When enquired about his affair with Dippy, Ranveer said, “A line has to be drawn and people should respect it. All this speculation is getting a bit too much. I’m here to act and it’s depressing that my personal life is taking precedence over my work”. Yet the interviewer kept attacking Ranveer with questions on the same topic. And to our surprise, instead of showering praises again on Dippy, Ranveer chose the other way and answered most of it judiciously. This was possibly the first interview by Ranveer Singh, in which he surprised his fans by not chanting Deepika’s name. Instead, he played it smart and kept himself away from all speculations.
Well seems like the rumours of affair were just a publicity stunt by the Ram Leela makers and co-stars which are coming to an end as the release comes closer.