Sara Arfeen Khan, a former Bigg Boss 18 contestant recently sat down with Bollywood Bubble’s host Aakruti Bagla and shared some details from inside the house. The Singham Again actress opened up on her equation with inmates and also took accountability of her mistakes. Sara Arfeen Khan reveals she regrets bringing up Vivian Dsena’s past relationship inside the house.
Sara Arfeen Khan regrets bringing up Vivian Dsena’s past inside Bigg Boss 18 house
Bigg Boss 18’s former contestant Sara Arfeen Khan reveals she brought up Vivian Dsena’s past relationship with Vabbbiz Dorabjee. Khan stated, “Vahbbiz Dorabjee is a friend of mine. I will automatically support a friend. So, Vahbizz went through a lot, and I won’t say this right now because I think I made a mistake by bringing up Vivian Dsena’s past in the show. That was a big mistake of mine because at that time, I experienced a meltdown in the game, and I still regret it. I shouldn’t have, and I am really sorry for bringing up the Vivian topic because I feel that was the wrong thing to do.”
She further continued, “I didn’t know his side of the story, and I don’t know, and even if I knew his side of the story, who am I to bring anyone’s past, especially on national television, on a reality show? I truly apologize for that. That wasn’t meant to happen. That was a breakdown, where Vivian’s past came up, and so did Vahbizz’s past. Good luck to them, let’s leave it at that, and I don’t want to be a part of that anymore.”
Sara Arfeen Khan was last seen in Singham Again and the actress also shared her disappointment with her scenes with Arjun Kapoor getting cut. Sara also discussed Hrithik Roshan’s struggles as she is his life coach.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Bigg Boss 18 contestant Sara Arfeen Khan claims, Hrithik Roshan could have slipped into ‘depression’