Shahrukh Khan Became the first Hindi actor to be conferred an honour to be awarded the Sivaji Chevalier Awards in Chennai.There was a small party held later on by Kamal Haasan for good friend Shahrukh. The two had worked together in Hey Ram,but no sooner the other members of southern film fraternity heard about it ,they all wanted to be a part of it .
As per sources, Kamal Sir was besieged with calls from his colleagues who wanted to meet SRK. At the very last moment, the venue was shifted to a high-end hotel, “When the Dj Started playing Chammak Challo , Shahrukh Khan went up to Kamal and dragged him to the dance floor.It was a treat watching them shake a leg together,they got along like a house on fire as they performed the ‘ hook step ‘ from the song.”
SRK partied till 6 am. “He made his host and his Southern friends very happy indeed.”