Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone’s rumoured marriage has been making it to the news for longest time now. Recently, an interview of the star with Spice Route Magazine fueled them further. In it, Ranveer is seen revealing why he and his ladylove can’t tie the knot right now!
“It is the function of speculation – to exist. Nothing is official till it is made official and I am not a seer. I cannot say this will happen on this date in the future. Right now we are both extremely busy working. Besides, she is also recuperating from back problems. So we are quite occupied and distracted. So, if there is any announcement in the future, you will be hearing me shouting from the rooftops,” the actor was quoted saying.
But hey, looks like there’s a catch!
The actor’s spokesperson claims the interview is a collection of statements of Ranveer at a number of past of events namely the GQ awards in Mumbai on 22nd September 2017, Adidas in Mumbai – 21st November 2017 and another Adidas event in Delhi on 10th December 2017. (Also Read: Ranveer Singh’s back in the city and is not afraid to repeat his airport style! VIEW PICS
“The interview has now been published in April 2018, therefore, becoming completely dated since the journalist did not speak to Ranveer recently,’ the spokesperson’s statement further reads.
That means, the actor hasn’t really opened up about his marriage in the recent past. However, we hope DeepVeer becomes a reality soon! 😉
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.