Superstar Shah Rukh Khan who was recently injured on the sets of ‘Happy New Year’ when a heavy door fell on him . The actor was taken to Nanavati hospital and after carrying out tests on him the doctors advised bed-rest to SRK . But the Badshah was seen moving around with the help of a crutch and fulfilling his duties.
As per sources , Shah Rukh Khan was recently seen attending Dharmendra and Hema Malini’s daughter Ahana Deol’s marriage, for he had promised Hemaji to be there. The Khan was looking quite Dapper in a formal attire with a a skull bandana tied up on his head. But What is this ? Wasn’t Priyanka Chopra too seen in a similar bandana recently. PeeCee had opted for a skull bandana when she went to meet filmmaker Zoya Akhtar.
Was it a co incidence or something else ?