The much-anticipated look of Vijay Deverakonda from his upcoming film ‘VD 12’ has been revealed. In the poster released on August 2, the actor appears in an intense and fierce avatar. The movie is set to hit theaters on March 28, 2025. Though the title of the movie is now released, fans are blown away by his new look. Not just his fans, but his rumoured girlfriend Rashmika Mandanna is also excited about the movie.
After the first look poster of Vijay Deverakonda was released, Rashmika Mandanna dropped raising hands and fire emojis in the comment section. That’s cute, right? The initial glimpse of a blood-stained Vijay Deverakonda sporting a buzz-cut hairstyle has sparked intrigue online. Vijay shared the poster with the caption, “His Destiny awaits him. Mistakes. Bloodshed. Questions. Rebirth. 28 March 2025 (sic).“
Rashmika Mandanna reacts to the new look of Vijay Deverakonda
We went through fans’ reaction to his look where people commented, “This looks deadly” and “I was not ready for this.” One said that it is the ‘next blockbuster loading.’ A fan commented, “Now Vijay Deverakonda sir will tell what is called comeback”. While another one wrote, Vijay Deverakonda will next be seen in VD14 and SVC59 along with VD12.”
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