Karan Johar overwhelmed by fans response to ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’ has expressed his gratitude to everyone who has watched his latest film, that has collected about Rs.10 crore in two days. The 41-year-old director took to Twitter thanking everyone for the immense love and appreciation for the film, adding that it is film that he is extremely proud of. “Thank you for the immense love and appreciation for ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’, a film I am extremely proud of,” Karan tweeted Sunday.
As per sources, Rajesh Thadani of Multimedia Combines said, “In two days, ‘Hasee…’ collected between Rs.9 and Rs.10 crore. The Sunday collections will help decide whether the film is a hit or not.”
Gautam Dutta, COO, PVR Cinemas, believes that the genre and the young star cast worked in favour of the film that hit 1,500 to 2,000 screens across the country. “It’s a nice comedy genre and young actors are there in the film. It picked up well. The opening day saw around 70 percent occupancy, but the figure went up to 80 percent on weekend. The occupancy is good, the film has been appreciated.”
Parineeti also expressed her happiness on Twitter and wrote, “Thank you for the amazing response guys! We sure are happy.”
The movie ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’ is directed by Vinil Mathew, and has been co-produced by Karan’s Dharma Productions and Anurag Kashyap’s ‘Phantom Productions’ on an approximate budget of Rs.25 crore. The Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra starrer came out on Friday.