Actress Priyanka Chopra was recently honoured at the prestigious Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The actress looked stunning as she attended the occasion with husband-singer Nick Jonas. She was honoured at the ceremony by the Sex and the City actor Sarah Jessica Parker. Several photos and videos from the event have been shared on her fan pages.
Priyanka Chopra showers love on Nick Jonas
At the red carpet, PeeCee stunned in an off-shoulder silver gown posing on the red carpet. She has even shared pics on her social media. In her speech, Priyanka said, “Sarah, you are such an icon to so many of us. Thank you for taking the time to say those kind words about me and my work over the years. It meant a lot to me.”
She added, “When I started working, I was 18 years old. I come from an industry that spoke Hindi and Telugu, basically non-English films. I remember when I was seeking work across borders, and I was told that non-English films do not travel. Yet, we are here today.”
The actor added, “We know, as people who work, and I might be biased, but in one of the best, most incredible industries in the world, we get to play for a living, we get to tell stories for a living, and we get to dream for a living. And you have been able to bring people together outside of borders, languages to just celebrate this incredible medium of cinema. I feel so grateful to be here and to be standing on this stage receiving this incredible honour.”
Priyanka went on to thank husband Nick Jonas her late father, family members and also the people who she worked with. “My wonderful husband is here, waiting to escort me down, the gentleman that he is. My father was the first entertainer I ever knew. I lost him in 2013, but he showed me how much joy there is in being the person in the middle of a party. You know, if there was a crowd at a party, my dad would be in the middle of it. He was that person. He showed me how unabashed entertainment can be, how to be confident and vulnerable at the same time. We get the opportunity to do that in our art form,” said Priyanka.
Apart from this, the highlight of night was Priyanka being called Desi girls by fans and photographers there.
PeeCee’s upcoming movies
On the work front, the actress recently wrapped shoot for Citadel 2. She will be next seen in the American action-comedy Heads of State, co-starring Idris Elba and John Cena. The actress recently even confirmed her Bollywood comeback and we are wondering its Jee Le Zaraa.