Actor Vicky Kaushal is all set to leave his fans impressed with his performance as Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj in Laxman Utekar’s highly anticipated period drama Chhaava. While the film is just a month away from releasing, news of the actor being approached for two YRF films is now making the headlines. As per a recent media report, YRF’s head honcho, Aditya Chopra is in talk with the actor two star in Dhoom 4 and a standalone film in the YRF Spy Universe. Read on to know the details.
Vicky to join YRF’s Spy Universe?
As reported by Peepingmoon, Aditya Chopra is keen on roping in Vicky Kaushal as the lead in a standalone cop films in the YRF’s Spy Universe. Talking about this casting coup, an insider told the publication, “Aditya has grand plans for expanding the YRF Spy Universe and aims to introduce fresh faces to carry forward the legacy established by the Khans. He wants Vicky to headline one of the standalone cop films, bringing new energy to the expanding cinematic universe. However, this is still in the planning stages, as they are waiting to see how Alpha – the film introducing Alia Bhatt and Sharvari to the Spy Universe, performs at the box office.”
Vicky Kaushal in Dhoom 4?
As per the same report, aside from a standalone cop film in the YRF Spy Universe, Aditya Chopra is supposedly also discussing is the much-anticipated Dhoom 4 with the ‘Uri’ actor. While Ranbir Kapoor is confirmed to play the antagonist, the maker is envisioning Vicky to take on the role of the cop — previously played by Abhishek Bachchan.
Shedding light on the same, the source stated, “Dhoom is a legacy; securing a starring role in such a sought-after franchise could significantly boost one’s career. Which of these projects Vicky will commit to depends largely on his availability, as his schedule is packed until April 2026. Both Vicky and Aditya are currently coordinating dates, aiming for a collaboration sometime in 2026.”
Vicky’s upcoming projects
Aside from the soon to release Chhaava, Vicky Kaushal will also feature alongside Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War. The period drama is expected to wrap production by September this year and release in theatres during Eid 2026. Post Love and War, the actor will commence shooting Amar Kaushik’s Mahavatar. The makers are aiming at releasing the mythological epic on Christmas 2026.
Would you like to see Vicky Kaushal in a standalone cop film in the YRF Spy Universe, in Dhoom 4 or both? Let us know your answers in the comments.
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