Superstar Hrithik Roshan celebrated his 40th birthday with his parents, sons and a few close friends. His father Rakesh Roshan confessed that he liked working with Hrithik and will never work with any other actor. Rakesh Roshan had launched Hrithik with the blockbuster Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai and later worked on the Krrish series.
As per sources, an emotional Rakeshji said, “He can work with outside directors. But I’d never work with any other actor, unless I am making an out-and-out heroine-oriented film like Khoon Bhari Maang. I might be tempted to make a film with a female protagonist, but only if Hrithik is too busy to work with me.”
He also spoke about the recent seperation of Hrithik from his wife Sussanne. “My wife and I want Hrithik to be happy and at peace with himself, no matter what, my blessings are with Hrithik. Whatever he does in life, my wife and I want him to never change. He’s kind, helpful and generous. He deserves happiness.”
Rakesh Roshan is awaiting for Hrithik ‘s sons to grow up. As he looks forward to launching Hrithik’s sons – Hrehaan and Hridhaan – as heroes. “Provided they want to be in films. I’d love to launch them”.