Marvel’s ‘Avengers: Endgame’ has been grabbing the headlines much before its release. Due to advance booking, many booking sites even crashed. The movie released on April 26 and it has set a benchmark at the box office. On day 1, it made a huge collection of Rs 53.10 crore and on day 2, it has crossed Rs 100 crore by earning Rs 104.50 crore. Such a huge amount, isn’t it?
‘Baahubali 2’ (Hindi version) crossed Rs 100 crore in three days and now it seems it will break the records of the magnum opus. Taran Adarsh took to his Twitter handle to share the numbers that ‘Avengers: Endgame’ has pocketed at the box office.
He wrote, “#AvengersEndgame crosses ₹ cr in *2 days*… #Baahubali2 [#Hindi] crossed ₹ in *3 days* and so did the biggies from the *Hindi* film industry… #AvengersEndgame is all set to have the highest ever opening weekend… Boxoffice is on .”
#AvengersEndgame crosses ₹ ? cr in *2 days*… #Baahubali2 [#Hindi] crossed ₹ ? in *3 days* and so did the biggies from the *Hindi* film industry… #AvengersEndgame is all set to have the highest ever opening weekend… Boxoffice is on ???.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) April 28, 2019
The way ‘Avengers: Endgame’ is currently performing at the Indian box office, we are pretty sure that the superhero movie will smash all the records. It seems the day is not very far for the movie to enter the 500 crore club. It has received an overwhelming response from the audiences and critics as well.
For more box office reports, keep reading our space.
Also Read: ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Box-Office Report: Aamir Khan’s ‘Thugs Of Hindostan’ record shattered