The much-anticipated Punjabi film Shaunki Sardar is set to hit theatres on 16th May 2025. This marks the Bollywood debut of popular actress Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia. The actress is best known for her roles in television and reality shows. She shares the exciting news with her fans on social media, along with the film’s official poster.
Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia led Shaunki Sardar to release on THIS date
Shaunki Sardar stars Punjabi sensation Guru Randhawa and legendary singer-actor Babbu Maan in lead roles, alongside Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia. Directed by Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan, the film promises a powerful narrative celebrating Punjab’s culture, values, and spirit.
Expressing her excitement, Nimrit said, “This is an incredibly special moment for me as I announce the release date of my debut film, Shaunki Sardar. The film is releasing on 16th May 2025. I couldn’t be happier to share this news with all of you. Working on this project has been a journey of learning, growth, and immense gratitude. Sharing the screen with icons like Guru Randhawa and Babbu Maan has been surreal—both of them brought so much energy and inspiration to the set.”
She added, “What makes Shaunki Sardar even more meaningful to me is how deeply it resonates with Punjabi culture and traditions. It’s a story that is close to my heart. One that I believe audiences will connect with on a profound level. I can’t wait for you all to experience this labour of love in theatres. Mark your calendars, and I hope to see you there!”
The poster, which Nimrit unveiled, reflects the film’s rich cultural essence and intriguing storyline, leaving fans eagerly awaiting its release.