Premiered on June 21, JioCinema Premium’s Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 ended on August 2 after 42 interesting days. The grand finale night saw Sana Makbul emerge as the winner while Naezy was declared the first runner-up and Ranvir Shorey the second runner-up. During an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, BB OTT 3 winner Sana got candid about many things, including her marriage, stay in the house, male contestants and more.
During the interaction, Sana Makbul called Ranvir Shorey, Armaan Malik, Sai Ketan Rao and Deepak Chaurasia ‘controlling,’ ‘dominating’ and more. Scroll below to know all she had to say.
Sana Makbul on male contestants controlling & dominating female contestants
Talking about Ranvir Shorey, Armaan Malik, Sai Ketan Rao and Deepak Chaurasia, and how they tried to one-up her during her stay in the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house, Sana Makbul says in Hindi, “Yes. They do try and put strong women contestants down.” The BB OTT 3 winner continued, “They cornered me and how. Slowly, slowly unko laga ki hum Sana ko nahi hatta sakte toh unhone mere friends ko hataya. They left me all alone. But still, I would say I’m an alpha woman. The crown never falls.”
When asked if these male contestants liked to keep female contestants around and indirectly dominate over them, Sana said, “Main matured hu, bohot strongly opinionated hu, toh mujhe slip karna (was not possible). I’m not somebody to take (for granted).”
Calling them ‘controlling men,’ Ms Makbul continued in Hindi, “For them, it’s if a woman is not submissive to you then make her a vamp. Bitch about her. Gossip about her. Even if she’s passing by, pass negative comments about her, you never say anything good about her.”
Sana Makbul: Ranvir Shorey likes to be the victim
Talking about why no one ever commented on the inappropriate comments and actions Ranvir Shorey used to make in the house, Sana says, “Kyu kiya ignore? Because Ranvir ji likes to be the victim. Men like him are like that. Maine unko uss time bola, ‘Men like you are narcissist, you’re a male chauvinist.’ Maine bola bhi, ‘Ek naari sabpe bhaari’. Maine bola bhi, ‘Main strong hu isliye aap aise bolte ho’ and I feel that.”
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