Varun Dhawan’s personal life has been a subject of much speculation, of late. While he is said to be dating his childhood sweetheart Natasha Dalal, rumours of an uncalled split have had their share too. However, at a recently held housewarming party of Varun’s home, Natasha was seen too and many think they’re going strong.
The actor, however, likes to be tight-lipped about it. Many a times, he was heard emphasising how he is not denying anything, but wouldn’t like to discuss it as well!
Varun’s new film ‘October’ claims to be not a love story but a story of love. At an interaction with the press wherein he was promoting the film, Varun was asked if he is in love too! (Also Read: IPL 2018: Looks like Varun Dhawan can’t get over his performance with Prabhudeva)
‘Varun is always in love’, the actor smirked.
That got us hopeful. May be he was ready to give something away? ‘With whom?’, we asked.
‘With films, with the people, with the audience’, he chuckled.
That was very smart!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.